VOW: Independence and Freedom

Verse of the Week:

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32 NASB

Today is Independence Day in the United States. We usually refer to it as the “4th of July” because on July 4, 1776 our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. It is a national holiday in celebration of our freedom from the rule of the monarch of Great Britain.

As believers we have a greater independence day—the day we first believed on the Messiah. Our independence day marks our freedom from slavery to sin.

A Quick History:

When the founding fathers declared independence from submission to the rule of the crown of England, their fight had only just begun. Months earlier, in 1775, Patrick Henry declared in a speech the now famous words, “Give me liberty or give me death.” Once the decision was made to declare their liberty, they had to turn from the life they had known and go in a direction quite different from the ways they had always known.  There were some Loyalists who were opposed to the new direction and joined forces with the “enemy.” But once the Patriots made the decision to leave their old way of government and fought the good fight, they obtained their freedom and could live their lives in a new way.

Spiritual Comparison:

This is not too dissimilar from our Salvation stories.  Once we realize that we are serving an evil dictator (Sin), we declare our independence when we repent and decide we will no longer follow the dictates and whims of our sinful nature. We turn from our selfish, idolatrous, covetous ways. It’s not always easy, we have to fight temptation. Often our friends, family and society who are still loyalists to the ways of the world try to lure us back to their side. But through repentance and coming under the authority of Yeshua Messiah/Jesus Christ, we win the victory with Him and declare “give me liberty from sin and death and the grave.”

The Truth that sets us free is Yeshua/Jesus. That freedom from sin and ultimately death and eternity without the Father that He provided with his death is the gift of grace.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 NKJV

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.
Romans 8:2 NASB

So if the Son sets you free, you really will be free. 
John 8:36 NASB

Live it out this week:

Do you know the Savior, the Messiah Yeshua/Jesus Christ? Are you living a life in gratitude and obedience to him for the freedom you have in Him? Are you fighting the good fight and working out your salvation with fear and trembling?

If you do not know the Son of God, please understand that you can know Him. You can declare “give me liberty from sin and death and the grave” and crossover to the Path (Way) leading to Life and Truth and leave the path that leads to death.

Admit and acknowledge that you are a sinner and on the wrong path. Repent and determine to turn from your way of doing things and following His way of doing things. Read the Bible to learn the ways of God. If you don’t have a Bible, let us know and we will help you obtain one. Salvation comes by changing who you follow from yourself to Jesus/Yeshua, denying your selfish desires, wants, and plans for your life and following Him in obedience. You can be saved by the grace of God, not in earning it by good deeds or animal sacrifice. He will change you if you let Him.

Declare your independence from a life of sin and death by accepting the grace of God through faith in his Son Jesus Christ/Yeshua Messiah who paid the debt you owed by dying in your place on the cross.


Heavenly Father, help me live a life that is reflective of my gratitude for the immense price You paid for me to come into relationship with You. Thank You for granting me Your gracious gift to become part of the Family of God. Thank You for forgiving me from my sins and help me to choose the right path at every fork in the road. In Jesus name, Amen.

My prayer for you – Heavenly Father, thank You for those who have declared independence from serving their sinful nature. Lead then into all truth and open the eyes of their understanding. Guide those who are seeking a better way to the Way that is Your Son. Amen

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